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The Complete Rainboot Buying Guide

These rainboots come up to just above the ankle and are available in a variety of colors. Ankle rainboots can be worn with short skirts and shorts. Garden boots, like those by Slogger, are a popular type of comfortable ankle rainboots.

Mid-calf rain boots go over the ankles, and about halfway up the legs. These can look great tucked over a pair of skinny jeans or with knee-length skirts and hemlines that fall just below the knee. The Burberry Haymarket boot line is a popular and stylish type of mid-calf boot.

Classic Wellingtons
The classic Wellington design has come a long way since its original inception. These boots now come in different design variations, but the basic look remains the same. These boots usually come up to the knees, but a few are ankle length. Wellies are made to be waterproof, made from some type of rubber or other synthetic material, which makes them perfect for wearing in the rain and mud. Hunter Wellingtons are highly fashionable today and come in a wide range of designs.

Knee Length
Knee length rainboots are not only popular because they give a lot of protection against rain, but are also quite sexy. These boots show off slim ankles and calves, and go up to the knees. These go well with skinny jeans or short skirts, allowing a quick peek at some skin just above the knees and below the thighs.

Some women complain about the rainboot's lack of height, so many designers have opted to add a comfortable wedge heel to the basic rainboot design. Wedge heel rainboots look best when paired with sleek, slimming lines. Avoid wearing them with flouncy skirts or under bootcut jeans. Instead, opt for black leggings and a tunic top, or an A-line slim skirt.

Fur Lined Sheepskin
For places with cold and wet winters, warmth is another issue when wearing boots. Shoes for such weather should be waterproof, but should also keep the wearer's feet warm. Fur lined sheepskin rainboots are perfect for those chilly days, yet still look stylish and fashionable.

Tips on Buying Women's Rainboots
Buying rainboots need not be a chore. Some women may feel intimidated at the different styles and sizes available today, but by following the tips outlined below on sizing, design, as well as usability, buying a pair of rainboots can be quite easy.

Finding the right size of rainboots can be daunting, because each manufacturer has a different way of sizing a boot. The best way to get exact measurements is with a tape measure or ruler. When it comes to knee length boots, there may be some additional measurements needed, like calf circumference or length to ensure the boots fit well. For example, many manufacturers will provide a measurement chart like this:
         Foot Length (Inches)        Calf Size (Inches)        Calf Length (Inches)
                        9                  13.87                   17.75
                       10                  15.25                      18
                     10.5                  10.25                     18.5
Check the measurements against the size chart provided by manufacturers and sellers, rather than trying on each and every pair, to save time. It's also good to do some research or ask opinions from other people who have purchased boots. In general, rain boots should be purchased in half to a whole size larger.

Design of course, is a personal preference, and some women may own several pairs in different designs to ensure they can match their boots with the perfect outfit. It's best to pair a flashy outfit in bright colors or prints with a pair of subdued rainboots. The opposite can create a striking effect as well, like pairing leopard-print rainboots with black leggings and a brown sweater.

Aside from being funky and fabulous, rainboots should also be useable. Rainboots should be at least water resistant, if not waterproof. Water-resistant means it should repel or block some moisture, but may not completely keep the feet dry. Waterproof is better for those torrential downpours as these should protect the feet 100 percent. Additionally, during rainstorms, the ground may be muddy and slippery. The rainboot should have a good tread to prevent the wearer from skidding and sliding across the ground. Overall, rainboots should be comfortable and not cause pain to the wearer. Too tight and at the end of the day,